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![]() ![]() ![]() The Elements in Somali equation; TNG, Al-Ittixad, USA, UN ETC?
![]() Dark History is repeating itself in Somalia again. It was 1969, when political assassins and Wahabi sect leaders (Osama Bin Ladin is Wahabi too) united to destroy a young struggling but fledging Democracy. Sheikh Nur Ali Oloow, the first Wahabi trained Somali was recruited in 1969 by Gen, Haman, then the Somali Police chief, The deposed prime Minister Abdirisaq X. Xusein and Somali army Commander Mohamed Siad Barre in the assassination of the elected president of Somalia. At the time SYL administration was the most corrupted administration ever. The intent of the Political assassins and Wahabi Sect was to get rid of the corruption of SYL, by assassinating their leader; the elected President of Somalia Mr. Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke. Their conspiracy did not only kill President Sharmarke, but it destroyed the hope of democracy in Somalia. It was/is bewildering for the Somalis to this day to understand the common ground between those political assassins and a respected and learned Islamic scholar Sheikh Nur Ali Coloow. Two words; as the Somali historian Ahmed I. Samatar recorded; "Greediness" from the part of the assassins; and extremism from the Wahabi scholar.
Now at 2002, Somali Islamists are incorporating and providing a moral issue to the worst criminals in the annals of Somali History! Religious scholars and sheikhs in Somalia are traditionally associated with the moral value voice of the Somalis. Hence every imaginable politician seeks his or her alliance and support. Should not they distance the cartel of thief's, assassins, mass murderers, rapists and hooligans, which is what TNG is composed? TNG president is Abdulqasim who was a confidante and right hand man of the last dictator for twenty years. He nominated the premiership to Col. Hasan Abshir the hated mayor of Mogadishu in the worst periods of the last dictator. Should not they put the interest of the country before immediate gratification and personal gains? What kind of moral value the religious man that supports the TNG will claim now?!
Bias of US Policy towards Somalia?
American policy lucks uniformity. Somalia is not different. How USA is going to help Somalis establish a responsible government, and bring justice to the criminals and terrorist who turned Somalia to a terrorist camp when US is housing the worst Somali criminals in their soil. General Samatar, the highest ranked living member of Somali Junta who destroyed Somalia and inflicted the worst imaginable harm to Somalis is living in Virginia, enjoying the loot. Abdirahman Buluq the brother of the last dictator and minister of foreign affairs is enjoying the real state he bought with looted funds from the starving Somalis, Gen. Masalle who personally selected the officers his regime shot in Hargaisa in 1978, at the end of the Ethiopian war is in Columbus. The assassins of the last freely elected president; Gen. Haman and C/Risaq X. Xusein are also housed in USA.
How USA government is going to explain this double standard? Off course US has a right to justify their own steps when protecting their citizens, but they should not claim as a goal helping Somalis establish an all inclusive government as long as they don't return these criminals and process them in court of law.
Somalis support US actions in freezing the funds of the suspected elements of Al-qaida in Somalia. Somalis are also sympathetic to US cause in bringing justice to those who committed the barbarism of 911. It would have been nice if US government freezes and at least expels these tyrants from their land too.
Endless reconciliation meetings:
The Al-Qaeda sponsored Transitional Government of Somalia's gathered a while ago in Nairobi in the name of (Somali Reconciliation) in an attempt to hijack the war against terrorists and religious fanatics in Somalia. Proof is the attendees and the sponsors lurking in the shadows. Al-Qaeda is on the run, Al-Barakaat funds is drying up, all Arab donated funds in Djibouti Banks have almost been spent and the remainder is under the watchful eye of the US Treasury. The UN political officers, David Stephens and Randolph Kent, who raised funds from well intentioned donors for the Al-Itihad TNG have all been exiled.
Having the above facts in mind and knowing what pressure the Saudi, Qatari, Emirates, Lebanese, Syrians and Iranian fanatics are nowadays under, another funding source and another safe house has to be found for the TNG.
Hence, Egypt and Libya sponsored Nakuru agreement provides for an international secretariat to be established in Nairobi to oversee the implementation of the so call peace process and to help raise funds for it. This is hoax. It is all about funding the Al-Qaeda /Al-Itihad/TNG movement and has nothing to do with Somali peace process.
Prelude of Nakuru:
Al-Barakaat and AI-Itihad started moving their militia and weaponry out of Mogadishu to the Central regions, Marka and to Kismayo to deceive and create doubts in the minds of those who would have otherwise supported to bring to justice to those who committed crimes against humanity. The TNG started utilizing Arab media and the BBC (Somali Section which is headed by TNG president's cousin) as a propaganda tool to change the international public opinion and to lessen the weight of the different terrorist groups in Somalia under the umbrella of Al-Itihad Al-Islamiya. Al-Itihad is a growing threat to the whole region of East Africa and eventually to the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea. More than 300 of the Al-Itihad militia were sent to Afghanistan by Col. Sheikh Dahir Awes to fight against America. Already some are back to Mogadishu declaring victory that they had killed more Americans in Afghanistan claiming that the western media is not fully reporting what is happening.
The Egyptian angle?
Egypt was a historical ally to Somalia. But Egypt is the only nation nowadays that exploits Somalis for their geo-strategic games. Egypt is using Somalia as a tool to balance Ethiopian threat for their water resources; The Nile River. Once Somalis used this card for ban-Somalis, but now Somalia itself needs to pick the pieces together and stand as a state and nation. For ulterior purpose Egypt exports and supports all kinds of extremism in Somalia just to keep pressure on Ethiopia and that is how Egypt uses Saudi funding and the Al-Itihad TNG for their selfish interests.
A) What do Mr. Salad Hassan (TNG President), Mohamed Deylaaf (fake currency dealer), Col. Hassan Dahir Aweys (US most wanted list - Kandahar/Marka/Mog), Yusuf Garaad (BBC Somali), Hassan Barrise (BBC reporter in Mogadishu) and Abdi Salad Hassan (IRIN the brother of TNG president) have in common?
What do the above individuals share with Ahmed Nur Ali Jimale (Al-Barakaat and detained (in Dubai), Abbas Ali Abdi (US most wanted list - Mogadishu), Abdullahi Hussein Kahiye "Asbaro" (Mogadishu), Abukar Adane (Hotel Ramadan: Al-Qaeda Hotelier and financier of the TNG) Mohamed Atef (dead in Kabul) and Osama bin Laden (missing in action)?
What do Ismail Hassan `Kutubaweyne' (Dubai), Yusuf Jama Degel `Cambe-Cambe' (Dubai), Sheikh Mohamed Food-cadde (Dubai), Abdilatif Yusuf Barre (Dubai), AbdiWahab Mahamud Gurey (Dubai) and Col. Abdi'Aziz Guureeye Karshe (Dubai) has in common?
They all are proxies and front line runners of Al-Qa'ida sponsored international terrorists. Some of them will change their color when Al-Qa'ida money dries out and will become the greatest informers for a willing buyer of their services. Not long time ago, Abdiqassim Salad Hassan, the TNG president, invited to his house in Mogadishu some of these personalities, the Leaders of Al-Itihad, Sheikh Omar Faruuk, Sheikh Dahir Suuleey, Dasuuqi and Al-Itihad militia commander, Col. Hassan Sheikh Dahir Aweys, to a dinner. He praised their militia for their bravery and gave them incentives to continue fighting against what he called American arrogance. The incentives were a promise to a leadership rank and monetary. Abdulkassim also inspired those militia leaders to prepare for a bigger fight. He said that we can invite and bring to our country who ever we want and America will meet the same fate as before should they decide to invade us.
We should not buy the UN philosophy of any Government is better than none. TNG is UN creation. Somalia's solution should come from Somalis. The real enemy of Somalia nowadays is UN experts, who are eager to impose their ideas.
A reconciliation conference in Somalia is better suited to Somali needs. Any clan can invite all other Somalis. No foreign money is needed, no crazy sheikh is needed only open mind. Let we do it!!
Livan Cadur
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